Francis and Clare

St. Francis of Assisi

Francis was born Giovanni di Pietri di Bernadone around 1181 A.D. During his youth, Francis was like any other young man during his time. He was a soldier, a drinker, a partier, and a general wild man. While out in the field as a soldier, Francis was captured and taken prisoner. Upon his release from prison, Francis heard the call from the Lord to “Rebuild My Church.” After hearing the call, Francis abandoned his life of luxury and focused on serving the Lord. Franciscans refer to Francis their founder of all orders and our spiritual father.

St. Clare of Assisi

St. Clare was born Chiara Offreduccio around 1194 A.D. Clare was one of the first followers of Francis. Clare founded the religious order of monastic women, Order of Poor Ladies, in the Franciscan teachings of Francis. Soon after her death, the order was renamed in her honor as the Order of Saint Clare. Franciscans refer to Saint Clare as the spiritual mother of our orders.

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